Maximize Space
Bunk beds take up the least space for guests who spontaneously spend the night. This bunk bed is both functional and aesthetic and can add a lot of color to any bedroom.
This bunk bed has a full-size upper bed, a full-size bottom bed, and a pair of drawers for you or the person who stays overnight. It can also be divided into two separate beds for more convenience, depending on how you want to organize your space. No spring box is required.
Sturdy Structure
The bed structure is made of high-quality wood, solid pine legs, and a strong and durable frame, making the bed strong and durable.
Designed for Your Safety
A full-length guardrail is laid on the upper side, while the lower bunk is designed to include a headboard and footboard. Together with the handrails, this bunk bed provides you with first-class security. More importantly, solid legs made of solid pine wood can increase strength and durability.
General |
Type: Bunk Bed |
Product Details |
Material: Plywood+MDF+Pinewood |
Dimensions&Weight |
Overall Dimension: 79.6"L x 56.5"W x 62.9"H |
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